Flat Stream fenced off and reverting to tussock, remnants of a Flax mill in the centre left.
Protecting Our Water
Water Quality Testing
We have been testing the water quality for the last 6 years where streams flow into and out of our three southern properties for E coli, sediment and nitrates. This has given us a good understanding of how farming and climate events interact with water quality on these farms.
Cattle exclusion from waterways
Lone Star Farms is 6 years into a riparian exclusion programme, which means cattle are fenced off from key waterways and all wetlands including 300 hectares of Caberfeidh, and 70 hectares of The Wandle.
A third of Barewood land drains through Flat Stream where a 120-hectare block of lowland tussock has stock excluded, and acts as a sediment trap and filter.